Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hey There! Wow its been like a month! Sorry for the hiatus. The stresses of college were in full force. But no need to worry... I'm back and reporting all of the trendy and hot fashion here in Madison! It will be a fun year of fashion for sure since I'll be around fashionistas from around the country. Well here I am outside of my lovely dorm, Sullivan! (Trust me, it really isn't that lovely but I'll try to make the most of it.)  Can't wait to share all of the fun and exciting things here at Madison over the next year! Hope you'll enjoy the wild ride as much as I do!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I think this chair is phenomenal. Completely opposite of my normal taste which is strictly black and white with lots of hot pink but I think this is so cool. If Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Seuss and Picasso had a baby this armchair would be it. It's a fabulous piece until you look at the price tag... over $13,000. A bit ridiculous I think.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


How absolutely gorgeous is this babe I get to call my cousin? Um... freaking gorgeous! This soon-to-be model, Maggie, definitely has an unknown talent. I barely had to do anything and the photos turned out phenomenal. She needs to move in with me so I can photograph her everyday. Talk about model as muse...

Saturday, August 4, 2012


During my portfolio crunch time I was sketching, sketching, sketching like crazy! Here are my three favorite. The first was a mashup sketch of all my lovely perfume bottles, the second was a rendering of my pretty painted toenails and the last was an ink study with my favorite quote of all time from the best book of all time, The Great Gatsby. Therefore, go sketch your little brains away!